Why choose Chiropractic?


Chiropractors are trained and registered medical professionals with the goal of making you feel better by applying pressure at certain places to relieve pressure on your spine. Chiropractic is based on the teachings of Galen and Hippocrates’ premise that the body can respond appropriately to its environment provided the nervous system is free of interference.

As a Chiropractic practitioner, we believe that if the spine and the enclosed spinal cord are able to function correctly, a range of musculoskeletal issues correct themselves and the nervous system is alleviated – thus leaving you pain free.

New Farm Chiropractic are a team of Chiropractors in Brisbane who follow the Gonstead system of Chiropractic to give you patient-centred care to ensure you are treated wholly. We practice a hands-on approach to preventative and restorative health care.

Chiropractors use manual adjustments to alleviate pressure on the spine and joints to free up the nervous system. The pressure is applied by the Chiropractor to the effected joints allowing them to regain the correct alignment and return normal flow to the surrounding nervous system.

An adjustment is a high velocity, short lever, low amplitude thrust applied to a vertebra which results in an audible release of gas (joint cavitation) that is caused by the release of oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide, which releases joint pressure (cavitation). This results in a relieving sensation most of the time, although minor discomfort has been reported by some patients (that usually lasts for a short time) if the surrounding muscles are in spasm or the patient tenses up during this adjustment.

There are many reasons to choose a Chiropractor to carry out an adjustment on your spine:

Patient centred care

We want you to feel better. We don’t want you feeling pain nor do we want other problems to be exacerbated because you are in pain and your body cannot function properly. We are respectful of you and your preferences, needs, and values. Chiropractors are here to treat the root of your health issues instead of just the symptoms. We treat our patients holistically and if we feel you need more care than we can give, we will refer you to another health care provider to ensure that you are getting everything you need to get back to your best health. We will educate you about your health condition, and we will not do anything to you that you do not understand. We are here to guide you so you feel in control of your health choices.

Low risk health modality

Chiropractic is an approach that helps patients in achieving their health objectives through a non-medicated and natural process. As with anything, there are some risks associated with chiropractic care – but these are low, especially if you consider the risks compared to the benefits. There are many studies that have been published about the low risks associated with using a Chiropractic adjustment.
Occasionally there is an adverse reaction in some people. We will do our best to manage this situation and ensure that the patient is not left alone to deal with the associated issues. There is usually a logical explanation to any reactions to treatment, and any reaction is usually short term before the body begins its healing process.

As chiropractors are medical professionals, we pride ourselves on making good clinical decisions that gives our patients maximum health value.

Chiropractors are university trained, nationally regulated, health care professionals

When deciding on a Chiropractor, you need to make sure they are fully registered with the Chiropractic Board of Australia. The Chiropractic Board of Australia has developed codes and guidelines to provide guidance to all Chiropractors in Australia. To become registered, a Chiropractor must have completed an accredited university degree – many of these are a minimum five years full-time.
The Chiropractic Board of Australia is an accreditation authority responsible for accrediting education providers and programs associated with becoming a fully qualified and nationally recognised Chiropractor.

Non-surgical treatments

Studies into spinal manipulative treatment shows that patients are reporting modest improvements in pain and everyday bodily function. In April 2017, results from a systematic review into how patients with acute low back pain reported modest improvements was published online at JAMA.
Lower back pain is a leading cause of disability with acute pain contributing heavily to this burden. Chiropractors are leading the charge against lower back pain through spinal manipulative treatments. Those who undertake a spinal manipulative treatment with their trained health care professional have reported a diminished pain and improved function for up to six weeks from the initial adjustment.
In the case of lower back pain, it is recommended that after the initial acute episode has passed that a patient works on exercise to strengthen the area and other preventative strategies that build resilience within the area. Your practitioner will guide you on appropriate forms of rehab exercise.
There are many Australians who experience acute, subacute and chronic back pain. By incorporating regular Chiropractic treatments into your care plan, you are choosing a non-invasive treatment that will work on rehabilitating the root cause of the pain rather than managing the symptoms.

Opioid free care

Opioids have long been known to be addictive. In August 2017 it has been reported that opioids offer no more relief than over the counter paracetamol and ibuprofen. The results of the long term trial following 240 veterans in the United States have been presented at a major medical conference before publishing. According to the Cochrane Review, there have also been shorter studies showing consistent results.
Chiropractors use physical adjustments of the spine to alleviate pain. A white paper released in November 2016 by the Canadian Chiropractic Association reported that ‘the evidence is clear that manual therapies, including Chiropractic, should be first-line options for the management of musculoskeletal conditions within the inter-professional healthcare team. Such management offers a safe, effective, non-invasive, coordinated, and cost-effective alternative to opioids’.
The Chiropractors’ Association of Australia is in the process of developing a similar framework to the Canadian white paper to explore the benefits of manual manipulation in Australian patients.

Improved pain and function

Chiropractors report that their patients are experiencing less pain and improving their bodily function. Chiropractors take a patient centric approach to minimising the pain experienced daily so that patients can enjoy a better quality of life.
Everyone from infants to the elderly can access chiropractic care. We use pressure (adjusted to each patient) to realign the joints of the spinal column. Vertebral subluxation is at the core of many Chiropractic treatment successes – it indicates the mechanical compression and discomfort to spinal joints and associated nerves is alleviated by specific spinal joint adjustments.
Manual manipulation through Chiropractic treatment can bring back the structural integrity of the spine and its joints, thus lowering the pressure on the fragile neurological tissue, resulting in improved well-being of the patient.

Chiropractors treat multiple issues

New Farm Chiropractic want to see you living your best life with a full range of movement free of pain. We focus on the science, art and philosophy of Chiropractic to treat the cause of health issues. As Chiropractors we can assist out patients with:

  • Lower back pain

    As discussed above, an adjustment of the lower back involves the manual manipulation of the spinal column to get relief from vertebral subluxation causing discomfort. Chiropractors use many methods to trace what areas of the spine need treatment, including x-rays.

  • Neck pain

    The treatment for neck pain can involve a neck adjustment or cervical manipulation – both of which are pressure applied by hand to the joint. This improves pain and restores a range of motion that can be limited when the neck is ‘out’. A neck adjustment can also alleviate pressure on the spine to give relief.

  • Headaches

    Chiropractic treatment gives patients relief from headaches by improving spinal coordination and relieving the stress from your system. Chiropractors can also offer advice on diet, posture and relaxation to prevent further discomfort.

  • Neurological conditions

    Chiropractic adjustments may benefit those living with neurological conditions. Adjustments can be completed by either hand or instrument to alleviate symptoms of acute vertigo problems, balance and movement disorders, developmental problems, spinal cord and nerve injuries, learning disorders as well as Dystonia or abnormal muscle activation.
    Chiropractors can also suggest breathing exercises and sensory training to help you work towards a better quality of life.

  • Sciatica or back pain

    Spinal adjustments performed by our highly trained and expertly qualified Chiropractors at New Farm Chiropractic help to lessen nerve irritability that causes inflammation and muscle pain – both of which are associated with sciatic nerve pain and back pain.
    Chiropractors believe that limited spinal movement triggers the pain and diminished performance associated with sciatica. The sciatic nerve pain originates from lumbar spine subluxations that often involve irritation of an intervertebral disc. We incorporate a range of treatments to give relief and free up movement.

  • Colic and ear infection

    There are documented studies showing that children troubled by otitis media, ear infections, reflux and colic may be relieved by Chiropractic adjustments. The nerves monitoring the gut and brain are intricately linked and respond well to adjustment and reversing the effects of vertebral subluxations.

  • Reducing blood pressure

    Blood pressure and anxiety levels have marked improvements from Chiropractic adjustments according to a study featured in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. Results reported by patients were almost instant.
    Spinal manipulation and manual adjustment carried out by Chiropractors have been reported to be successful at treating hypertension issues and controlling blood pressure in patients.

Chiropractic treatment is a very successful way of treating a range of ailments that limit how much you enjoy your life. Chiropractors offer their patients a natural pathway for their body to heal with minimal interference that doesn’t open themselves up to drug reliance to live a pain free life.

Many studies have been carried out the world over regarding the benefits of chiropractic treatment. As a nationally recognised and regulated health modality, Chiropractic is becoming a well-known and widely accepted form of treatment for those looking for a less invasive solution to their health issues.

For more information about how New Farm Chiropractic can help you with Chiropractic treatment or remedial massage to alleviate your symptoms and treat the cause of your ailment, call us on 07 3254 3011 to make an appointment with one of our highly qualified team.

Categories: Chiropractic
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