Do I need a Chiropractor?

The decision on whether to consult a Chiropractor or a Doctor of Chiropractic medicine depends on the extent of musculoskeletal injuries sustained. If your injuries are beyond their scope of practice, your Chiropractor will usually refer you for specialized treatment. At New Farm Chiropractic, we have a great referral network of highly trained and reputable specialists that we use.

The following are some common signs that you need to consult a Chiropractor.

Chronic muscle or joint pains

If you are having chronic muscle or joint pains, taking painkillers might not solve your problem. Typically drugs mask the issue, but may not prevent further injury. A qualified Chiropractor is interested in the CAUSE of your condition.

One of the causes for muscle or joint pains is musculoskeletal misalignment. A Chiropractor that is well trained to handle this problem may bring your musculoskeletal system into natural alignment and ease pain. This can allow your body to resolve the issue.

You perform repetitive tasks or sit for long periods

If you sit for long periods of time, it’s likely to result in poor posture and excessive pressure on the shoulders, neck, and upper back. If the pressure is sustained, you may eventually get more problems such as a herniated or bulging disc and it may also generate lower back pain or neck pain.

If you perform repetitive physical tasks such as standing, lifting or typing, the repeated movements might lead to injuries that may eventually cause some of your body parts to misalign. Your Chiropractor will try gentle adjustments to the area of injury to allow it to heal naturally.

Sharp pains in your leg

If you are feeling tingling, weakness, or sharp pains in your leg, you might be having a disc injury or pinched nerve leading to what is commonly termed sciatica.

A Chiropractor is trained to assess the cause of these pains and administer safe treatment in an attempt to resolve the symptoms. The use of X-rays and scans may be useful in cases such as these.

Frequent migraines or tension headaches

Frequent headaches are indicative of many problems including misalignments in the neck or upper back. If other treatments have failed to help, see a Chiropractor to get a Chiropractic adjustment as it might help reduce their frequency and intensity.

A large number of patients report a reduction in the frequency and intensity of headache episodes after having consulted a Chiropractor.

You don’t necessarily need to have pains to see a Chiropractor. If you have experienced any of the problems mentioned above in the past, contact or visit our Chiropractor so you can lower the chance of their re occurrence. Our Chiropractors might be able to keep your spine and back in good working condition, preventing future relapses and improving your overall sense of well-being.

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