Do you suffer from neck pain or lower back pain?

If so, you’re not alone. Neck pain ranks fourth as the most common musculoskeletal disorder worldwide, with lower back pain ranked first.

Factors that can increase risk of developing neck pain include trauma, work-related factors (Eg, poor work support, high stress) and psychological factors (Eg, depression).

A 2021 narrative review (link below) recommends Spinal Manipulation Therapy (in combination with exercise and patient education) for neck pain as part of a multimodal approach. It was also recommended as an intervention for lower back pain. Spinal manipulation therapy is one of the main techniques used by Chiropractors and current Chiropractic clinical practice guidelines almost universally recommend spinal manipulation therapy for spine pain.

For further information, speak to Richie Sanchez (Chiropractor) at New Farm Chiropractic 07 3254 3011 or book an appointment online (Click here) .

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